Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is taking off in Canada!
Carbex Carbon Credit Exchange Corp. (Carbex) was founded by two professionals, an
accountant and a lawyer, to serve small Canadian organizations who have made the
investment to host EV chargers AND who want to monetize the carbon credits
generated by those chargers.
Federal and B.C. legislation enables organizations hosting EV chargers to earn carbon
credits. Carbon credits ascribe a monetary value to the greenhouse gas offsets that
occur when internal combustion vehicles are replaced with those powered by electricity.
Carbon credits are an important financial tool employed by governments to encourage
the transportation sector to transition to environmental sustainability.
But, it is impractical for most organizations that host EV chargers to monetize the
carbon credits being generated.
Why? Because the companies that buy carbon credits are typically very large and are
only interested in large purchases of carbon credits. They don’t want to deal with many
individual credit generators.
Carbex bridges the gap between these large buyers and smaller credit generators by
reporting and validating their carbon credits with regulators and then aggregating the
validated carbon credits generated by many organizations and packaging them in large
bundles that are attractive to the buyers. The small producers of carbon credits get to
participate in the carbon credit transfer market and Carbex gets paid a commission for
helping its clients aggregate, validate and sell their credits.
The value of carbon credits has been steadily increasing due to the difficulty of
transitioning away from fossil fuels, as governments are imposing stricter carbon
intensity reduction requirements on emitters of greenhouse gases. That trend shows no
sign of abating anytime soon.
Additionally, for those located in B.C, there is an opportunity to generate and trade credits
under the both the B.C. and federal regimes for the same EV charging activity in a
number of cases!
We look forward to serving you.